
Pings all of your [repl]( projects at once without you having to have the tab open.


graph LR
    A[Your request] --> B[API]
    B --> C[Pings every 1/min]

Setup Steps

Please select a method of setup below:

Sending a request via. Postman/Insomnia
> **Additional Note:**
> When inputting the repl's url, you must include "https://"
Paste this into the URL bar:
curl --location --request GET ''
Then fill in the "host" query. For each repl, you must create a new request.
Sending a request via. Repl
> **Additional Note:**
> When inputting the repl's url, you must include "https://"
  1. Import this repo into Repl
  2. Configure the `config.json` file with all the links you want to ping
  3. Click the run button at the top of your screen.
  4. Exit the repl.
Sending a request via. Discord Bot Invite Github Repository

It’s as easy as that! If you have any issues, please report it under the Issues tab.